Monday, June 15, 2009

10 Reasons to Visit Panama in “Low Season”

Written by Tamara Rowe

Panama’s high season (November – March) is better known as “Snow Bird Season”—Canadians escaping the cold winters of Canada—and can be a popular time for tourist. The low season (April – October), also known as “the rainy season”, has its benefits too. Some areas of Panama receive very little rain such as Coclé’s, Costa Blanca/Decameron as it is located in what we call a “microclimate”. So this is the perfect season to plan your family’s summer vacation.

Check out Costa Blanca/Decameron Real Estate & Vacation Rentals
#10.  Rivers and lakes are full.
Great time for fishing! We all know that Panama is well know for its world famous ocean fishing, but don’t forget the lakes and rivers catching delicious Peacock Bass and Tilapia. Incredible white water rafting in Chiriquí, near Boquete, with two rivers to raft or kayak: the Rio Chiriquí and the Rio Chiriquí Viejo, both flow from the hills of Volcan Baru.
 #9. Wild orchids, trees and foliage.
With many different varieties of plants and trees, mostly found in the mountain areas such as El Valle, its nature lovers dream. #8. Everything is in full bloom.
As far as the eye can see, from the mountains to the beach side, all plant life is in full bloom and a staggering array of a vibrant rainbow of colors.

 #7. Unbelievable open skies and colorful cloud formations.
After the rain passes, the sky turns to brilliant colors of blues. The view of the mountains and seas are nothing less than breathtaking. As the sun sets, Panama gets a gathering of reds and purples clouds that paints an unforgettable picture.
 #6.  Wonderful selection of seasonal fruits.
Mangos; Come in many different varieties, shapes, colors and sizes.
Cashews; The delicious bright red, yellow and orange fruit also used for juices.
Pineapples; Sugary sweet and not acidic, taste more like a sweet candy.
Papayas; Our papayas can weigh as much as 10lbs.
Melons; Every kind you can think of and a few that you did not know existed.
Guava; Very interesting little fruit, however very tasty.
Oranges; FYI. Local oranges are dark green in Panama . . . make sure you remove all of the peel.
Limes; Large small, green and yellow.
Avocados; These can get quite large, light green flesh with not allot of flavor, also a purple variety.
#5. Cooler Temperatures
Here in the Provence of Coclé the temperatures are generally between 85-89 degrees in Fahrenheit year round.  After a nice brisk rain and a few clouds, we get a beautiful cool breeze. A cool breeze is always welcomed here in Panama!
 #4. Golfing
The rainy season offers cooler weather, softer greens and fewer visitors.  Enjoy open tee times and playing at your own pace, which may be faster or slower.  Low-seasons specials on vacation golf rentals.
#3. Privacy
With fewer visitors and all of the Canadian Snow Birds returning to their summer homes, enjoy your own private paradise.  
#2.  Availability
The high season is in such demand that it is often difficult to find hotels in Panama City, most resorts and private rentals are booked a season in advance. 
#1.  The PRICE is right!
Pricing is much lower. This means deals, deals, deals! Private rentals is usually where you will find the best deals as prices can be negotiated, generally 25%-30% lower than high season pricing. Contact us at for the best low-season pricing.

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