Monday, October 15, 2012

Grocery Stores in Panama

Penonomé, Coclé Province, Panamá

Whoa!  Why is someone writing a blog about grocery stores on a travel site?  What a mundane topic.  We all look forward to a fun filled tropical, sunny vacation, what do grocery stores have to do with any of the enjoyable plans we have?

As with most people we wonder what our rooms will be like, what is the beach like, what adventures can we have.  After the first day or two enjoying the beautiful beaches, great surf and a few Pina Coladas, our attention turns to more mundane matters.  After all, there is a practical side to every vacation.  If you are not staying in an ‘All Inclusive’ a very logical question is ‘Where do we buy food?’

As with most people we wonder what our rooms will be like, what is the beach like, what adventures can we have. 

After the first day or two enjoying the beautiful beaches, great surf and a few Pina Coladas, our attention turns to more mundane matters.  After all, there is a practical side to every vacation.  If you are not staying in an ‘All Inclusive’ a very logical question is ‘Where do we buy food?’

Several of our friends Stateside have had many questions to ask of us about Panama and often asked are questions like  ‘’Does Panama have ‘Real’ grocery stores?’’  “Can you get fresh fruit and vegetables”  etc. 

The answer is a resounding YES!!!
When we first came to this tropical paradise, we found ‘El Rey’ in Coronado approximately 30 kilometres to the East of us.  At the time, it was the only grocery store around.   Equidistant from us in the opposite direction is Penonome which had no large grocery stores but did have a smaller store called Machetazo.  Nowadays however, it is a very different story and Coronado boasts three good sized modern shopping centres, each with a grocery store.

f you need groceries, medications, suntan lotions, and / or just about any kind of general necessity you don’t have to look very hard. A large Super 99 is close by while a brand new shopping centre has been built on the other side of the highway with a large Machetazo which occupies three floors. It not only sells wonderful fresh fruit and vegetables, boasts a butcher’s, baker’s and a well stocked deli counter, but it also sells all kinds of household goods, electronics, clothes and hardware.

While there are numerous wonderful cafes, bars and restaurants in Coronado, tucked away in a corner of Machetazo is a little cafeteria we visit every time we shop there.  Here you can have a really great, inexpensive lunch cafeteria style, including an excellent choice of main courses, salads and desserts.

Penonome has its own Machetazo store just on its eastern outskirts, not quite as large as the newer one in Coronado but amply stocked with the same types of items, and there is a very large, 24 hour, Super 99 across the other side of town.  In between you will find all kinds of shops selling everything you could possibly imagine.  Apart from all of this, in Penonome there is  a bustling fresh produce and meat market, numerous  pharmacies, a casino, a brand new movie theatre, university, hospital, clinics, many wonderful restaurants and bars and it seems like there is a bank on almost every corner.

So when you come here on vacation, there is no need to worry about food shopping, supplies for the BBQ or suchlike. It is all here in spades. Come and enjoy yourself, take in all that is on offer here in this wonderful part of the world and hopefully this ‘Grocery’ blog will enlighten you to the resources available for your shopping pleasure.

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