Monday, November 11, 2013

Scientific Reasons to Visit Panama • Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Smithsonian science: leadership in carbon research

 Long before atmospheric carbon concentrations crossed the 400 parts per million threshold, Smithsonian scientists were examining the complexities of carbon flows on tropical landscapes. Decades of breakthrough research recently led to a new milestone for carbon science: the most highly detailed carbon stock map for any nation to date.

Panama’s high-fidelity carbon map is only part of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute’s carbon science story. STRI researchers are at the frontier edge of how tropical forests, which contain Earth’s largest terrestrial carbon stocks, are already responding to higher carbon concentration and climate change. 

Visit the Smithsonian in Panama

The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute has the responsibility of disseminating research results and implementing public education programs to increase understanding and awareness of tropical environments. For example, STRI currently organizes day visits to three youth-oriented education facilities: Barro Colorado Island, Culebra, Bocas del Toro and Galeta. To reach adult audiences, including important decision-makers as well as the general public, the Institute coordinates communication activities such as seminars, conferences, media releases, and book launches.
A visit to Barro Colorado offers the opportunity to discover the splendor of a humid tropical forest.
Barro Colorado, the largest forested island in the Panama Canal waterway, is part of the Barro Colorado Nature Monument (BCNM) and is the site of an internationally recognized biological research station.

The wildlife there is extremely diverse. There are probably thousands of insect species and more than 120 species of mammals, nearly half of which are bats. If you are patient and observant, you will discover amazing things. You will learn about research in progress and about the rich natural history of Barro Colorado. We hope to pique your interest in tropical ecosystems, because you are key to the protection of this natural environment.  

Did you know that... ?

  • The Barro Colorado Nature Monument includes Barro Colorado Island and five surrounding mainland peninsulas: Gigante, Peña Blanca, Bohio, Buena Vista, and Frijoles.
  • The annual precipitation on the Island averages 2,600mm.
  • Five monkey species, all native to Panama, live on Barro Colorado Island: Spider Monkey, White-faced Monkey, Geoffrey's Tamarin, Howler Monkey, and Night Monkey.
  • 225 species of ants have been documented on Barro Colorado Island.
  • Barro Colorado Nature Monument is home to the "50-hectare Plot", an integral part of the Center of Tropical Forest Science's "Earth Observatory" which spans three continents. It allows scientists to measure precisely, instead of guess, tree population fluctuations in tropical forest.
  • Barro Colorado Island is one of the most studied places on Earth and has become a prototype for measuring diversity of plant and animal life around the world.
For reservations

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